Adam Kłosin

Postdoc since March 2017
Hometown: Gdynia, Poland



Adam started his scientific career with a European Bachelor’s program in Biotechnology based in Perugia, Italy. In that time, he studies various aspects of plant genetics during lab internships in Austria, Germany and Italy. He then moved to Dresden where he enrolled in the Molecular Bioengineering Master studies which he completed with a thesis on single molecule force spectroscopy. He then moved to Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, where he undertook doctoral studies in the lab of Ben Lehner studying mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance in nematodes (video). His fascination with phase separation began when he saw Tony’s talk on P-granule segregation during International Worm Meeting in LA. He joined the Hyman Lab in March 2017. 

C. elegans is a 1mm worm that shares 35% of genes with humans and is widely used in research as a model system. Photo by Adam Klosin.” (source)

In the Hyman lab, Adam applies his expertise in molecular biology to understand how physical processes such as phase separation affect gene regulation. His research is focused mostly on the role of disordered domains of transcription factors in transcriptional initiation process. He is also interested in how phase separation affects the fidelity and robustness of biological processes. In his work he relies on both in vitro as well as in vivo approaches. His favorite pass time is hiking, mountain biking, board-games and science-fiction.  

Publications in the Hyman Lab: