Posts tagged with press-coverage

Taa-taa ta-ta-ta-taaa! Tony in the "Tagesschau"
Germany's biggest news show. Have a look at the clip in German.

Die neue Biologie der Tröpfchen
Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel article of Sascha Karberg about the discovery and applications of phase separation. (German language only)

How did life begin? Dividing droplets could hold the answer. (Article in Quanta Magazine)
The story of our publication in Nature Physics, “Growth and division of active droplets provides a model for protocells,” has been picked up by Quanta Magazine (and re-published in Wired Magazine as well).

Cell Podcast, featuring Maria and Tony discussing their recent Cell Reports paper!
Begasse et al, Temperature Dependence of Cell Division Timing Accounts for a Shift in the Thermal Limits of C. elegans and C. briggsae, is featured in this month’s Cell podcast!

More press for the Parkinson's paper
Our story on Parkinson’s and the glycolytic pathway has been picked up by several newspapers, radio and TV stations in Germany. It’s safe to say the word is out!