

  • Solutes unmask differences in clustering versus phase separation of FET proteins

    research article

    Mrityunjoy Kar, Laura T Vogel, Gaurav Chauhan, Suren Felekyan, Hannes Ausserwöger, Timothy J Welsh, Furqan Dar, Anjana R Kamath, Tuomas PJ Knowles, Anthony A Hyman, Claus AM Seidel, Rohit V Pappu

  • Intra-condensate demixing of TDP-43 inside stress granules generates pathological aggregates


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    Xiao Yan, David Kuster, Priyesh Mohanty, Jik Nijssen, Karina Pombo-García, Azamat Rizuan, Titus M. Franzmann, Aleksandra Sergeeva, Patricia M. Passos, Leah George, Szu-Huan Wang, Jayakrishna Shenoy, Helen L. Danielson, Alf Honigmann, Yuna M. Ayala, Nicolas L. Fawzi, Jeetain Mittal, Simon Alberti, Anthony A. Hyman. bioRxiv 2024.01.23.576837


  • CD-CODE: crowdsourcing condensate database and encyclopedia

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    Rostam N, Ghosh S, Chow CF, Hadarovich A, Landerer C, Ghosh R, Moon H, Hersemann L, Mitrea DM, Klein IA, Hyman AA. Nature Methods. 2023 May;20(5):673-6.

  • Molecular mechanisms of stress-induced reactivation in mumps virus condensates

    open access

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    Zhang X, Sridharan S, Zagoriy I, Eugster Oegema C, Ching C, Pflaesterer T, Fung HKH, Becher I, Poser I, Müller CW, Hyman AA, Savitski MM, Mahamid J.Cell. 2023 Apr 27;186(9):1877-1894.e27.


  • SAMHD1 controls innate immunity by regulating condensation of immunogenic self RNA

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    Maharana S, Kretschmer S, Hunger S, Yan X, Kuster D, Traikov S, Zillinger T, Gentzel M, Elangovan S, Dasgupta P, Chappidi N, Lucas N, Maser KI, Maatz H, Rapp A, Marchand V, Chang YT, Motorin Y, Hubner N, Hartmann G, Hyman AA, Alberti S, Lee-Kirsch MA.Mol Cell. 2022 Oct 6;82(19):3712-3728.e10.

  • Adaptation to environmental temperature in divergent clades of the nematode Pristionchus pacificus

    open access

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    Leaver M, Moreno E, Kayhan M, McGaughran A, Rödelsperger C, Sommer RJ, Hyman AA. Evolution. 2022 Aug 1;76(8):1660-73.

  • Phase-separating RNA-binding proteins form heterogeneous distributions of clusters in subsaturated solutions

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    research article

    Kar M, Dar F, Welsh TJ, Vogel LT, Kühnemuth R, Majumdar A, Krainer G, Franzmann TM, Alberti S, Seidel CA, Knowles TP. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2022 Jul 12;119(28):e2202222119.

  • Sequence-dependent surface condensation of a pioneer transcription factor on DNA

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    research article

    Morin JA, Wittmann S, Choubey S, Klosin A, Golfier S, Hyman AA, Jülicher F, Grill SW. Nature Physics. 2022 Mar;18(3):271-6.

  • Molecular mechanism of stress-induced reactivation in mumps virus condensates

    open access

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    Zhang X, Sridharan S, Zagoriy I, Oegema CE, Ching C, Pflaesterer T, Fung HK, Poser I, Müller CW, Hyman AA, Savitski MM. Biophysical Journal. 2022 Feb 11;121(3):148a.


  • Glycine-rich peptides from FUS have an intrinsic ability to self-assemble into fibers and networked fibrils

    open access

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    Kar M, Posey AE, Dar F, Hyman AA, Pappu RV. Biochemistry. 2021 Oct 14;60(43):3213-22.

  • Quantitative theory for the diffusive dynamics of liquid condensates

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    research article

    Hubatsch L, Jawerth LM, Love C, Bauermann J, Tang TD, Bo S, Hyman AA, Weber CA. Elife. 2021 Oct 12;10:e68620.

  • Local thermodynamics govern formation and dissolution of Caenorhabditis elegans P granule condensates

    open access

    research article

    Fritsch AW, Diaz-Delgadillo AF, Adame-Arana O, Hoege C, Mittasch M, Kreysing M, Leaver M, Hyman AA, Jülicher F, Weber CA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2021 Sep 14;118(37):e2102772118.

  • HspB8 prevents aberrant phase transitions of FUS by chaperoning its folded RNA-binding domain

    open access

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    Boczek EE, Fürsch J, Niedermeier ML, Jawerth L, Jahnel M, Ruer-Gruß M, Kammer KM, Heid P, Mediani L, Wang J, Yan X. Elife. 2021 Sep 6;10:e69377.

  • Phosphofructokinase relocalizes into subcellular compartments with liquid-like properties in vivo

    open access

    research article

    Jang S, Xuan Z, Lagoy RC, Jawerth LM, Gonzalez IJ, Singh M, Prashad S, Kim HS, Patel A, Albrecht DR, Hyman AA. Biophysical journal. 2021 Apr 6;120(7):1170-86.

  • Biomolecular condensates at the nexus of cellular stress, protein aggregation disease and ageing


    Alberti S, Hyman AA. Nature reviews Molecular cell biology. 2021 Mar;22(3):196-213.

  • Reentrant liquid condensate phase of proteins is stabilized by hydrophobic and non-ionic interactions

    open access

    research article

    Krainer G, Welsh TJ, Joseph JA, St George-Hyslop P, Hyman AA, Collepardo-Guevara R, Alberti S, Knowles TP. Biophysical Journal. 2021 Feb 12;120(3):28a.

  • ESI mutagenesis: a one-step method for introducing mutations into bacterial artificial chromosomes

    open access

    research article

    Rondelet A, Pozniakovsky A, Namboodiri D, Da Silva RC, Singh D, Leuschner M, Poser I, Ssykor A, Berlitz J, Schmidt N, Röhder L. Life science alliance. 2021 Feb 1;4(2).


  • ASCB Keith Porter Lecture


    open access

    Hyman AA. Molecular biology of the cell. 2020 Dec 15;31(26):2864-7.

  • Drops and fibers—how biomolecular condensates and cytoskeletal filaments influence each other

    open access


    Wiegand T, Hyman AA. Emerging topics in life sciences. 2020 Dec 12;4(3):247.

  • Protein condensates as aging Maxwell fluids

    open access

    research article

    Jawerth L, Fischer-Friedrich E, Saha S, Wang J, Franzmann T, Zhang X, Sachweh J, Ruer M, Ijavi M, Saha S, Mahamid J. Science. 2020 Dec 11;370(6522):1317-23.

  • Erratum: Salt-Dependent Rheology and Surface Tension of Protein Condensates Using Optical Traps [Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 258101 (2018)]

    open access

    research article

    Jawerth LM, Ijavi M, Ruer M, Saha S, Jahnel M, Hyman AA, Jülicher F, Fischer-Friedrich E. Physical Review Letters. 2020 Nov 23;125(22):229901.

  • Generalized models for bond percolation transitions of associative polymers

    research article

    Choi JM, Hyman AA, Pappu RV. Physical Review E. 2020 Oct 6;102(4):042403.

  • Partitioning of cancer therapeutics in nuclear condensates

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    research article

    Klein IA, Boija A, Afeyan LK, Hawken SW, Fan M, Dall'Agnese A, Oksuz O, Henninger JE, Shrinivas K, Sabari BR, Sagi I. Science. 2020 Jun 19;368(6497):1386-92.

  • Condensation of Ded1p Promotes a Translational Switch from Housekeeping to Stress Protein Production

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    Iserman C, Altamirano CD, Jegers C, Friedrich U, Zarin T, Fritsch AW, Mittasch M, Domingues A, Hersemann L, Jahnel M, Richter D. Cell. 2020 May 14;181(4):818-31.

  • RNA-induced conformational switching and clustering of G3BP drive stress granule assembly by condensation

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    Guillén-Boixet J, Kopach A, Holehouse AS, Wittmann S, Jahnel M, Schlüßler R, Kim K, Trussina IR, Wang J, Mateju D, Poser I. Cell. 2020 Apr 16;181(2):346-61.

  • Phase separation provides a mechanism to reduce noise in cells

    research article

    Klosin A, Oltsch F, Harmon T, Honigmann A, Jülicher F, Hyman AA, Zechner C. Science. 2020 Jan 24;367(6476):464-8.


  • Soluble tubulin is significantly enriched at mitotic centrosomes

    open access

    research article

    Baumgart J, Kirchner M, Redemann S, Bond A, Woodruff J, Verbavatz JM, Jülicher F, Müller-Reichert T, Hyman AA, Brugués J. Journal of Cell Biology. 2019 Dec 2;218(12):3977-85.

  • Kinetically distinct phases of tau on microtubules regulate kinesin motors and severing enzymes

    open access

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    Siahaan V, Krattenmacher J, Hyman AA, Diez S, Hernández-Vega A, Lansky Z, Braun M. Nature cell biology. 2019 Sep;21(9):1086-92.

  • FUS pathology in ALS is linked to alterations in multiple ALS-associated proteins and rescued by drugs stimulating autophagy

    open access

    research article

    Marrone L, Drexler HC, Wang J, Tripathi P, Distler T, Heisterkamp P, Anderson EN, Kour S, Moraiti A, Maharana S, Bhatnagar R. Acta neuropathologica. 2019 Jul 1;138:67-84.

  • Inhibition of CPAP-tubulin interaction prevents proliferation of centrosome-amplified cancer cells.

    open access

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    Mariappan A, Soni K, Schorpp K, Zhao F, Minakar A, Zheng X, Mandad S, Macheleidt I, Ramani A, Kubelka T, Dawidowski M. The EMBO journal. 2019 Jan 15;38(2):e99876.

  • Publisher Correction: Hydrostatic pressure and the actomyosin cortex drive mitotic cell rounding

    open access

    research article

    Stewart MP, Helenius J, Toyoda Y, Ramanathan SP, Muller DJ, Hyman AA. Nature. 2019;571(7764):E5-.


  • Salt-dependent rheology and surface tension of protein condensates using optical traps

    research article

    Jawerth LM, Ijavi M, Ruer M, Saha S, Jahnel M, Hyman AA, Jülicher F, Fischer-Friedrich E. Physical review letters. 2018 Dec 18;121(25):258101.

  • Phase transitions drive the formation of vesicular stomatitis virus replication compartments

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    Heinrich BS, Maliga Z, Stein DA, Hyman AA, Whelan SP. MBio. 2018 Nov 7;9(5):10-128.

  • A user's guide for phase separation assays with purified proteins

    open access

    research article

    Alberti S, Saha S, Woodruff JB, Franzmann TM, Wang J, Hyman AA. Journal of molecular biology. 2018 Nov 2;430(23):4806-20.

  • Positioning of Particles in Active Droplets

    research article

    Zwicker D, Baumgart J, Redemann S, Müller-Reichert T, Hyman AA, Jülicher F. Physical review letters. 2018 Oct 12;121(15):158102.

  • The replicative helicase MCM recruits cohesin acetyltransferase ESCO2 to mediate centromeric sister chromatid cohesion

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    research article

    Ivanov MP, Ladurner R, Poser I, Beveridge R, Rampler E, Hudecz O, Novatchkova M, Hériché JK, Wutz G, van Der Lelij P, Kreidl E. The EMBO journal. 2018 Aug 1;37(15):e97150.

  • A molecular grammar governing the driving forces for phase separation of prion-like RNA binding proteins

    open access

    research article

    Wang J, Choi JM, Holehouse AS, Lee HO, Zhang X, Jahnel M, Maharana S, Lemaitre R, Pozniakovsky A, Drechsel D, Poser I. Cell. 2018 Jul 26;174(3):688-99.

  • Different Material States of Pub1 Condensates Define Distinct Modes of Stress Adaptation and Recovery

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    research article

    Kroschwald S, Munder MC, Maharana S, Franzmann TM, Richter D, Ruer M, Hyman AA, Alberti S. Cell reports. 2018 Jun 12;23(11):3327-39.

  • Controlling compartmentalization by non-membrane-bound organelles

    open access


    Wheeler RJ, Hyman AA. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2018 May 26;373(1747):20170193.

  • RNA buffers the phase separation behavior of prion-like RNA binding proteins

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    research article

    Maharana S, Wang J, Papadopoulos DK, Richter D, Pozniakovsky A, Poser I, Bickle M, Rizk S, Guillén-Boixet J, Franzmann TM, Jahnel M. Science. 2018 May 25;360(6391):918-21.

  • Tau protein liquid-liquid phase separation can initiate tau aggregation

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    Wegmann S, Eftekharzadeh B, Tepper K, Zoltowska KM, Bennett RE, Dujardin S, Laskowski PR, MacKenzie D, Kamath T, Commins C, Vanderburg C. The EMBO journal. 2018 Apr 3;37(7):e98049.

  • Protein dynamics in complex DNA lesions

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    Aleksandrov R, Dotchev A, Poser I, Krastev D, Georgiev G, Panova G, Babukov Y, Danovski G, Dyankova T, Hubatsch L, Ivanova A. Molecular cell. 2018 Mar 15;69(6):1046-61.

  • Rab5 and Alsin regulate stress-activated cytoprotective signaling on mitochondria

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    Hsu F, Spannl S, Ferguson C, Hyman AA, Parton RG, Zerial M. Elife. 2018 Feb 22;7:e32282.

  • Isogenic FUS-eGFP iPSC reporter lines enable quantification of FUS stress granule pathology that is rescued by drugs inducing autophagy

    open access

    research article

    Marrone L, Poser I, Casci I, Japtok J, Reinhardt P, Janosch A, Andree C, Lee HO, Moebius C, Koerner E, Reinhardt L, Cicardi ME, Hackmann K, Klink B, Poletti A, Alberti S, Bickle M, Hermann A, Pandey U, Hyman AA, Sterneckert JL. Stem cell reports. 2018 Feb 13;10(2):375-89.

  • Organization and function of non-dynamic biomolecular condensates


    Woodruff JB, Hyman AA, Boke E. Trends in biochemical sciences. 2018 Feb 1;43(2):81-94.

  • Impaired DNA damage response signaling by FUS-NLS mutations leads to neurodegeneration and FUS aggregate formation

    open access

    research article

    Naumann M, Pal A, Goswami A, Lojewski X, Japtok J, Vehlow A, Naujock M, Günther R, Jin M, Stanslowsky N, Reinhardt P, Sterneckert J, Frickenhaus M, Pan-Montojo F, Storkebaum E, Poser I, Freischmidt A, Weishaupt JH, Holzmann K, Troost D, Ludolph AC, Boeckers TM, Liebau S, Petri S, Cordes N, Hyman AA, Wegner F, Grill SW, Weis J, Storch A, Hermann A. Nature communications. 2018 Jan 23;9(1):335.

  • Phosphatase PP2A and microtubule-mediated pulling forces disassemble centrosomes during mitotic exit

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    Enos SJ, Dressler M, Gomes BF, Hyman AA, Woodruff JB. Biology Open. 2018 Jan 15;7(1):bio029777.

  • Phase separation of a yeast prion protein promotes cellular fitness

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    Franzmann TM, Jahnel M, Pozniakovsky A, Mahamid J, Holehouse AS, Nüske E, Richter D, Baumeister W, Grill SW, Pappu RV, Hyman AA. Science. 2018 Jan 5;359(6371):eaao5654.


  • Genome-scale single-cell mechanical phenotyping reveals disease-related genes involved in mitotic rounding

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    Toyoda Y, Cattin CJ, Stewart MP, Poser I, Theis M, Kurzchalia TV, Buchholz F, Hyman AA, Müller DJ. Nature communications. 2017 Nov 2;8(1):1266.

  • Local nucleation of microtubule bundles through tubulin concentration into a condensed tau phase

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    Hernández-Vega A, Braun M, Scharrel L, Jahnel M, Wegmann S, Hyman BT, Alberti S, Diez S, Hyman AA. Cell reports. 2017 Sep 5;20(10):2304-12.

  • Molecular biology: A liquid reservoir for silent chromatin


    open access


    Klosin A, Hyman AA. Nature. 2017 Jul 13;547(7662):168-9.

  • An aberrant phase transition of stress granules triggered by misfolded protein and prevented by chaperone function

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    Mateju D, Franzmann TM, Patel A, Kopach A, Boczek EE, Maharana S, Lee HO, Carra S, Hyman AA, Alberti S. The EMBO journal. 2017 Jun 14;36(12):1669-87.

  • The centrosome is a selective condensate that nucleates microtubules by concentrating tubulin

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    Woodruff JB, Gomes BF, Widlund PO, Mahamid J, Honigmann A, Hyman AA. Cell. 2017 Jun 1;169(6):1066-77.

  • Stem cells: the new "model organism"

    open access


    Drubin DG, Hyman AA. Molecular biology of the cell. 2017 Jun 1;28(11):1409-11.

  • ATP as a biological hydrotrope

    research article

    Patel A, Malinovska L, Saha S, Wang J, Alberti S, Krishnan Y, Hyman AA. Science. 2017 May 19;356(6339):753-6.

  • Biomolecular condensates: organizers of cellular biochemistry


    Banani SF, Lee HO, Hyman AA, Rosen MK. Nature reviews Molecular cell biology. 2017 May;18(5):285-98.

  • Growth and division of active droplets provides a model for protocells

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    Zwicker D, Seyboldt R, Weber CA, Hyman AA, Jülicher F. Nature Physics. 2017 Apr;13(4):408-13.


  • In vitro reconstitution of a membrane switch mechanism for the polarity protein LGL

    research article

    Visco I, Hoege C, Hyman AA, Schwille P. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2016 Dec 4;428(24):4828-42.

  • The mitotic spindle in the one-cell C. elegans embryo is positioned with high precision and stability

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    Pecreaux J, Redemann S, Alayan Z, Mercat B, Pastezeur S, Garzon-Coral C, Hyman AA, Howard J. Biophysical Journal. 2016 Oct 18;111(8):1773-84.

  • Polo-like kinase phosphorylation determines Caenorhabditis elegans centrosome size and density by biasing SPD-5 toward an assembly-competent conformation

    open access

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    Wueseke O, Zwicker D, Schwager A, Wong YL, Oegema K, Jülicher F, Hyman AA, Woodruff JB. Biology open. 2016 Oct 15;5(10):1431-40.

  • Are aberrant phase transitions a driver of cellular aging?

    open access


    Alberti S, Hyman AA. BioEssays. 2016 Oct;38(10):959-68.

  • Polar positioning of phase-separated liquid compartments in cells regulated by an mRNA competition mechanism

    open access

    research article

    Saha S, Weber CA, Nousch M, Adame-Arana O, Hoege C, Hein MY, Osborne-Nishimura E, Mahamid J, Jahnel M, Jawerth L, Pozniakovski A. Cell. 2016 Sep 8;166(6):1572-84.

  • Common molecular pathways in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia


    Weishaupt JH, Hyman T, Dikic I. Trends in molecular medicine. 2016 Sep 1;22(9):769-83.

  • A locus in Pristionchus pacificus that is responsible for the ability to give rise to fertile offspring at higher temperatures

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    Leaver M, Kienle S, Begasse ML, Sommer RJ, Hyman AA. Biology Open. 2016 Aug 15;5(8):1111-7.

  • Rheology of the active cell cortex in mitosis

    open access

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    Fischer-Friedrich E, Toyoda Y, Cattin CJ, Müller DJ, Hyman AA, Jülicher F. Biophysical journal. 2016 Aug 9;111(3):589-600.

  • Amyloid-like self-assembly of a cellular compartment

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    Boke E, Ruer M, Wühr M, Coughlin M, Lemaitre R, Gygi SP, Alberti S, Drechsel D, Hyman AA, Mitchison TJ. Cell. 2016 Jul 28;166(3):637-50.

  • Priority of discovery in the life sciences

    open access


    Vale RD, Hyman AA. Elife. 2016 Jun 16;5:e16931.

  • TransgeneOmics - a transgenic platform for protein localization based function exploration

    open access


    Hasse S, Hyman AA, Sarov M. Methods. 2016 Mar 1;96:69-74.

  • Visualizing the molecular sociology at the HeLa cell nuclear periphery

    research article

    Mahamid J, Pfeffer S, Schaffer M, Villa E, Danev R, Kuhn Cuellar L, Förster F, Hyman AA, Plitzko JM, Baumeister W. Science. 2016 Feb 26;351(6276):969-72.


  • A human interactome in three quantitative dimensions organized by stoichiometries and abundances

    open access

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    Hein MY, Hubner NC, Poser I, Cox J, Nagaraj N, Toyoda Y, Gak IA, Weisswange I, Mansfeld J, Buchholz F, Hyman AA. Cell. 2015 Oct 22;163(3):712-23.

  • A liquid-to-solid phase transition of the ALS protein FUS accelerated by disease mutation

    open access

    research article

    Patel A, Lee HO, Jawerth L, Maharana S, Jahnel M, Hein MY, Stoynov S, Mahamid J, Saha S, Franzmann TM, Pozniakovski A. Cell. 2015 Aug 27;162(5):1066-77.

  • Emergent properties of the metaphase spindle

    open access


    Reber S, Hyman AA. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology. 2015 Jul 1;7(7):a015784.

  • Regulated assembly of a supramolecular centrosome scaffold in vitro

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    Woodruff JB, Wueseke O, Viscardi V, Mahamid J, Ochoa SD, Bunkenborg J, Widlund PO, Pozniakovsky A, Zanin E, Bahmanyar S, Zinke A. Science. 2015 May 15;348(6236):808-12.

  • Temperature dependence of cell division timing accounts for a shift in the thermal limits of C. elegans and C. briggsae

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    Begasse ML, Leaver M, Vazquez F, Grill SW, Hyman AA. Cell reports. 2015 Feb 10;10(5):647-53.

  • Method: In vitro analysis of pericentriolar material assembly

    research article

    Woodruff JB, Hyman AA. Methods in cell biology. 2015 Jan 1 (Vol. 129, pp. 369-382). Academic Press.


  • The Caenorhabditis elegans pericentriolar material components SPD-2 and SPD-5 are monomeric in the cytoplasm before incorporation into the PCM matrix

    open access

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    Wueseke O, Bunkenborg J, Hein MY, Zinke A, Viscardi V, Woodruff JB, Oegema K, Mann M, Andersen JS, Hyman AA. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2014 Oct 10;25(19):2984.

  • Liquid-liquid phase separation in biology

    open access


    Hyman AA, Weber CA, Jülicher F. Annual review of cell and developmental biology. 2014 Oct 6;30:39-58.

  • Pericentriolar material structure and dynamics

    open access


    Woodruff JB, Wueseke O, Hyman AA. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2014 Sep 5;369(1650):20130459.

  • Quantification of surface tension and internal pressure generated by single mitotic cells

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    Fischer-Friedrich E, Hyman AA, Jülicher F, Müller DJ, Helenius J. Scientific reports. 2014 Aug 29;4(1):6213.

  • Products of the Parkinson's disease-related glyoxalase DJ-1, D-lactate and glycolate, support mitochondrial membrane potential and neuronal survival

    open access

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    Toyoda Y, Erkut C, Pan-Montojo F, Boland S, Stewart MP, Müller DJ, Wurst W, Hyman AA, Kurzchalia TV. Biology open. 2014 Jul 25;3(8):777-84.

  • Encouraging innovation

    open access


    Mol Biol Cell. 2014 Feb;25(4):427-8.


  • Principles of PAR polarity in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos



    Hoege C, Hyman AA. Nature reviews Molecular cell biology. 2013 May;14(5):315-22.

  • Funding innovative science

    open access


    Hyman AA. Science. 2013 Jan 11;339(6116):119-.


  • In retrospect: the origin of life


    open access

    Hyman AA, Brangwynne C. Nature. 2012 Nov;491, 524-525

  • Beyond oil and water — phase transitions in cells

    open access


    Hyman AA, Simons K. Science. 2012 Aug 31;337(6098):1047-9.

  • Organelle growth control through limiting pools of cytoplasmic components

    open access


    Goehring NW, Hyman AA. Current Biology. 2012 May 8;22(9):R330-9.


  • Whither systems biology

    open access


    Hyman AA. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2011 Dec 27;366(1584):3635-7.

  • Samurai sword sets spindle size

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    Reber S, Hyman AA. Cell. 2011 Dec 9;147(6):1224-5.

  • Beyond HeLa cells


    open access

    Hyman AH, Simons K. Nature. 2011 Dec 1;480(7375):34-.

  • Beyond stereospecificity: liquids and mesoscale organization of cytoplasm

    open access

    Hyman AA, Brangwynne CP. Developmental cell. 2011 Jul 19;21(1):14-6.

  • Q&A: Tony Hyman


    open access

    Hyman T. Tony Hyman. Current Biology. 2011 Apr 12;21(7):R240-2.


  • Growth, fluctuation and switching at microtubule plus ends



    Howard J, Hyman AA. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 2009 Aug;10(8):569-74.


  • Anthony Hyman: From unlikely scientist to Royal Society Fellow


    open access

    Williams R. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2007 Dec 12;179(7):1330.

  • A pipeline for Europe

    open access


    Hyman T, Simons K. Nature. 2007 Sep 13;449(7159):256-.

  • Acto-myosin reorganization and PAR polarity in C. elegans


    Cowan CR, Hyman AA. Development 15 March 2007; 134 (6): 1035-1043.

  • Microtubule polymerases and depolymerases


    Howard J, Hyman AA. Current opinion in cell biology. 2007 Feb 1;19(1):31-5.


  • Global and local control of microtubule destabilization promoted by a catastrophe kinesin MCAK/XKCM1


    Kinoshita K, Noetzel TL, Arnal I, Drechsel DN, Hyman AA. Journal of Muscle Research & Cell Motility. 2006 Feb;27:107-14.


  • Boveri revisited


    open access

    Hyman AA. The EMBO Journal. 2005 Mar 23;24(6):1104-10.

  • Cell structure and dynamics


    Hyman AA, Howard J. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 2005 Feb 1;17(1):1-2.


  • Asymmetric cell division in C. elegans: cortical polarity and spindle positioning


    Cowan CR, Hyman AA. Asymmetric cell division in C. elegans: cortical polarity and spindle positioning. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol.. 2004 Nov 10;20(1):427-53.


  • Dynamics and mechanics of the microtubule plus end


    Howard J, Hyman AA. Nature. 2003 Apr 17;422(6933):753-8.


  • The spindle: a dynamic assembly of microtubules and motors


    Wittmann T, Hyman A, Desai A. Nature cell biology. 2001 Jan;3(1):E28-34.


  • Centrosomes: Sic transit gloria centri

    open access


    Hyman AA. Current Biology. 2000 Apr 1;10(7):R276-8.


  • No man is an island…

    open access

    Hyman T. Current Biology. 1996 May 1;6(5):491.