Hyman Lab News

    We're taking over eLife!

    …the eLife Twitter feed, that is. Follow #eLifetakeover next week as 4 different labs take over the account, @eLife. The Hyman lab takeover will be on Wednesday, June 11th!

    Tony elected to ASCB Council!

    Tony has been elected to a three-year term on the council for the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB). As a council member, Tony will work to encourage more interchange between the European and American systems, fostering innovation by promoting an easy exchange of information between the two scientific communities.

    New DRESDEN-concept cultural calendar

    The MPI-CBG is proud to be part of DRESDEN-concept, a collection of cultural and research institutions in the city. DRESDEN-concept’s mission “is aimed at the development and use of synergies in research, education, infrastructure, and administration.

    Congratulations, Dr. Dreßler!!

    Congratulations to the Hyman lab's newest PhD: Martin Dreßler! On March 24, Martin defended his dissertation, titled: "Dynamics of pericentriolar material during the first cell division in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos."

    So close to victory!

    Tony almost had the votes! But he definitely had the best fan club. At last night's mock election for EU President at the Herkuleskeule, Tony was only one vote short of victory.

    Care for some mitotic soup?

    Tony was near London yesterday for the final meeting, discussion, and film shooting for the Meeting of the Minds project. All 10 artists and scientists convened for dinner, discourse, and a creative exchange of ideas. The menu for their dinner certainly kept with the themes of the evening.