Congratulations to Jeff Woodruff and colleagues on their paper in Cell!

Post by Carsten Hoege

Our latest publication is out now in Cell! In this work, led by Jeff Woodruff, we used defined components to reconstitute a minimal centrosome in vitro that can nucleate microtubule asters.  Our results suggest that the centrosome acts a selective phase that nucleates microtubules by concentrating microtubule polymerases and soluble tubulin.

Read the full paper in Cell, and watch the video abstract below!

The centrosome is a selective condensate that nucleates microtubules by concentrating tubulin.

Jeffrey B. Woodruff, Beatriz Ferreira Gomes, Per O. Widlund, Julia Mahamid, Alf Honigmann, Anthony A. Hyman.

Cell, 2017. 169(6)1066-1077.