Good bye and all the best Adam!

Post by Carsten Hoege

We have to say good bye to Adam and wish him the best of luck for this new job as group leader at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology in Warshaw, Poland.

After finishing his Masters here at the TU Dresden, Adam moved to Barcelona and did his PhD work in the lab of Ben Lehner at the CRG. We were very happy when he joined us in March 2017 and started working on condensates and how they can buffer noise in cells, great work in collaboration with Christoph Zechner from the CBG/CSBD! In general he is interested in understanding how condensates can regulate gene expression and he will now use as well C. elegans genetics to tackle that question in his own lab.

very sharp indeed!

We were very happy to organize him a good bye dinner after Corona restrictions were just mitigated

Good bye Adam!!!