The Hyman lab welcomes Anupa and Jik

Post by Carsten Hoege

The Hyman lab recently recruited two new postdocs, Anupa and Jik.

Anupa Majumdar started as a postdoc in the Hyman Lab in February 2021. She completed her PhD at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, India, followed by a three-year postdoctoral stint at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER Mohali), India. She is interested in studying the molecular grammar driving the phase-separation of coiled-coil proteins.

Jik Nijssen started in February 2021 as a postdoc in the Hyman lab, after finishing his PhD at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. He will study phase separation in the context of neuronal functioning, growth and degeneration using human stem cell-derived motorneurons.

Welcome, Anupa and Jik!