We are organizing an EMBO Practical Course for studying phase separation in biology!

Post by Carsten Hoege

The course takes place 05 – 13 February 2019 in Dresden at the MPI-CBG,

register until 1st Oct. 2018, we are looking forward to seeing you here!

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About the Practical Course

The field of cell biology is in the midst of a revolution in the understanding of how cells are biochemically organized. In recent years, research has shown that liquid-liquid phase separation is a critical organizing principle for cells, improper regulation of which can lead to dysfunction and disease. There are many exciting open research questions in this field, and we aim to provide students with an essential toolkit for addressing them. This course will provide high quality instruction in the physical chemistry theories underlying biological phase separation, followed by hands on practical training in the assays and cutting-edge techniques used in this emerging field. Dresden is a hub for phase separation research, and in addition to our local experts in biophysics and cell biology, our speakers and instructors will also include global authorities on these topics. Following the course, participants should be able to apply their newly learned techniques to their own projects and research questions. We hope that this course will establish the best practices in the field of biological phase separation, which the students can spread more widely at their home and future institutions.