Two preprints: Tau phase separation; Parallel temperature adaptation

Post by Carsten Hoege

The Hyman lab is proud to publish preprints, which we post in parallel to journal submission. You can find our latest manuscripts on bioRxiv, and we welcome your feedback:

  • Local Nucleation Of Microtubule Bundles Through Tubulin Concentration Into A Condensed Tau Phase. Amayra Hernández-Vega, Marcus Braun, Lara Scharrel, Marcus Jahnel, Susanne Wegmann, Bradley T. Hyman, Simon Alberti, Stefan Diez, Anthony A. Hyman. doi:

  • Parallel adaptation to higher temperatures in divergent clades of the nematode Pristionchus pacificus. Mark Leaver, Merve Kayhan, Angela McGaughran, Christian Roedelsperger, Anthony A Hyman, Ralf Sommer. doi: