Come see us at ASCB 2016!

Post by Carsten Hoege

The Hyman lab is represented at the 2016 ASCB annual meeting, taking place now in San Francisco. Come see us if you’re here!

• Sunday, Dec 4, 12pm-1:30pm: Louise Jawerth presents her poster, “The liquid to gel transition in protein droplets” (poster B1345)

• Sunday, Dec 4, 5:20pm-5:35pm: Shamba Saha gives a talk, “An mRNA competition mechanism regulated localized phase separation of liquid-like P granules in C. elegans embryo,” Room 103

• Monday, Dec 5, 12:28-12:35pm: Elvan Boke gives a talk, “Amyloid-like self-assembly of a cellular compartment,” Microsymposia Room 2 Hall C

• Monday, Dec 5,1:30pm-3:00pm: Jeff Woodruff presents his poster, “The centrosome is a selective phase that nucleates microtubules by concentrating tubulin” (poster B342)

Yesterday (Dec 3), Tony spoke at the ASAPbio session to advocate for the use of pre-prints in Biology, and he also spoke at the stem cell session, giving a talk entitled, “Cell biology of the stem cell to neuron transformation.”

Finally, Lisa Dennison will be at all 3 Science Discussion Tables (Dec 4, 11am-12pm; Dec 5, 3-4pm; Dec 6, 11am-12pm), discussing

We hope to see you here in San Francisco!