"Priority of Discovery" - separating disclosure and validation

Post by Carsten Hoege

‘What Defines “Priority of Discovery” in the Life Sciences?’ — Read the full article

Today, Tony and Ron Vale published a white paper on the ASAPBio website in which they discuss the complexities of assigning “priority” for an original scientific discovery. They argue that priority of discovery is established in two distinct phases, disclosure and validation, and that the life science community would benefit from the separation of these two phases. They suggest that the disclosure phase is best served by the use of preprints which meet 4 specific criteria. Regarding the validation phase, they argue that peer-reviewed journals “provide the present-day gold standard,” but new mechanisms could arise in the future. Click the link above to read the full article!

And make sure to check out the ASAPBio meeting on Feb 16-17, which will discuss the use of preprints in biology. The meeting will be streamed online, and you can interact on Twitter with the hashtag #ASAPbio. You can also provide feedback ahead of time by filling out this short survey, or you may submit a white paper of your own.