Look for us at ASCB 2015!

Post by Carsten Hoege

It’s almost time for the 2015 ASCB meeting in San Diego! Will you be there? If so, don’t miss Tony’s talk, and say hello to our lab members who will be there giving talks and presenting posters. Here’s where you can find the Hyman Lab at #ASCB15

Sunday, December 13 Poster session (for even numbered boards): 1:30pm-3:00pm

• Avinash Patel, Board Number B1412. “Dissecting the mechanisms of liquid to solid phase transition of the ALS protein FUS.”

• Shambaditya Saha, Board Number B1446. “In vitro reconstitution of a non-membrane-bound P granule-like compartment.”

• Jeff Woodruff, Board Number B644. “Depletion attraction forces modulate centrosome assembly and shape.”

Monday, December 14. Symposium 4 - Like Oil and Water: New Principles Governing Cell Organization. Session begins at 9:45am.

• Tony Hyman’s talk, “Phase separation in cytoplasm: Implications for polarity and neurodegeneration.”

Wednesday, December 16. Minisymposium 25: Organelle Homeostasis and Turnover. Session begins at 8:30am.

• Avinash Patel’s talk, “Dissecting the mechanisms of liquid to solid phase transition of the ALS protein FUS.”