Muddy teambuilding

Post by Carsten Hoege

Check out these photos of 3 of our postdocs during the “Tough Mudder” obstacle course competition last weekend in Hermannsburg! Jeff, Avinash, and Carsten were on a team full of MPI members that valiantly climbed high walls, swam through icy mud baths, fought their way through a field of electric wires, and more. A little crazy, a lot of mud, and a ton of team spirit. Way to go, guys and gals. (all photos by Olli Wueseke.)

Jeff's teammates help him up the halfpipe

Jeff’s teammates help him up the halfpipe

Jeff and Carsten on the monkey bars

Jeff and Carsten on the monkey bars

Jeff and Avinash

Jeff and Avinash covered in mud

Avinash and Jeff in a pool full of mud and ice

Avinash and Jeff in a pool full of mud and ice