Congratulations to Simone Reber on her Inaugural Symposium at IRI Life Sciences

Post by Carsten Hoege

We’re so proud of Hyman Lab alumnus Simone Reber, who gave a fantastic lecture yesterday at her Inaugural Symposium as a new group leader at the Integrative Research Institute (IRI) for the Life Sciences in Berlin. Another great treat of the symposium was a guest lecture by Nobel laureate Tim Hunt.

Way to go, Simone! We’re looking forward to seeing the great things that come out of the new Reber lab.

Tim Hunt (front) answers questions following his lecture. Simone Reber and Andreas Herrmann stand behind him.

Tim Hunt (front) answers questions following his lecture. Simone Reber and Andreas Herrmann stand behind him.

Simone begins her Inaugural lecture

Simone begins her Inaugural lecture