Congratulations to Maria on her paper

Post by Carsten Hoege

Congratulations to Hyman lab members Maria Begasse and Mark Leaver on their publication in Cell Reports, which is open access and available now online! Click here for the full text.

Begasse M, Leaver M, Vazquez F, Grill SW, Hyman AA. Temperature dependence of cell division timing accounts for a shift in the thermal limits of C. elegans and C. briggsae. (2015). Cell Reports 10, 647-653.

Graphical Abstract, Cell Reports

In Brief: With climate change, it is important to understand how temperature affects the fitness of cold-blooded organisms. Begasse et al. show that the temperature dependence of cell division differs in two closely related nematodes. This shift in the temperature response has corresponding effects on development and reproductive output.

Stay tuned for a podcast and video abstract about the paper, coming soon!