New publication stitches together EM slices into detailed mitotic spindle

Post by Carsten Hoege

Figure 1

Congratulations to our former guest scientist Johanna Höög, members of the MPI-CBG’s stellar Electron Microscopy Facility, and other colleagues for their publication “Automated Stitching of Microtubule Centerlines across Serial Electron Tomograms.” This paper introduces a computational method which addresses the complex task of digitally aligning many serial electron tomography slices to create a complete, 3D image of spindles. Read the complete paper online!


Weber B, Tranfield EM, Höög JL, Baum D, Antony C, Hyman AA, Verbavatz J, Prohaska S. (2014) Automated Stitching of Microtubule Centerlines across Serial Electron Tomograms. PLoS ONE 9(12): e113222.