Hyman lab at the EMBO Centrosomes conference in Lisbon this week

Post by Carsten Hoege

Tony, Jeff, Oliver, and Beatriz are all on their way to the EMBO Centrosomes and Spindle Pole Bodies Conference in Lisbon, Portugal. Jeff will be giving a talk and Olli & Tony will both be presenting posters.

Wednesday, October 1, 1:30pm poster session: Oliver Wueseke, “The C. elegans PCM components SPD-2 and SPD-5 are monomeric in the cytoplasm prior to incorporation into the PCM matrix” (poster # CB12)

Thursday, October 2, 1:30pm poster session: Tony Hyman, “Are centrosomes liquid drops?” (poster # CB11)

Friday, October 3, 9:00am: Jeff Woodruff, “In vitro reconstitution of C. elegans pericentriolar material”

See you in Lisbon!

Three lab members waiting at the airport

Jeff, Bea, & Olli at the airport, ready to be in Portugal!

Bea ordering from a waitor

Update: we’re in Lisbon! Here’s Bea ordering something delicious.