News & Views and Science Art, too

Post by Carsten Hoege

Hyman lab postdoc Simone Reber has written an excellent review and perspective titled “On Spindle Length and Shape” for Cell News, the newsletter and magazine for the German Society for Cell Biology. Simone discusses organelle scaling, describing how it is “an emergent property of molecular collectives.” She then focuses in on the Xenopus spindle, explaining how it behaves like a liquid crystal, as well as how mass balance can help us understand spindles’ dynamic properties. Read the complete article here!

Meanwhile, a fun article about artist Felix Scholz and his collaborations with the Hyman lab was published in Zeiss im Bild (ZiB) International, the employee magazine of renowned microscope company Zeiss. You have probably seen many of Felix’s illustrations on our website, including the depictions of our lab and Tony’s office in the photo slideshow at the top of the homepage. This article (in German) describes how Felix came to do these portraits of life in the lab, and how this led to Felix and Simone working together to create illustrations of biological processes for publications. Above is Felix’s illustration for the “Previews” article Samurai Sword Sets Spindle Size, which Simone and Tony wrote for the journal Cell. Find the complete article about Felix and his work with us here!