We're the

Hyman Lab

We’re an innovative group of scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany working to unravel the intricacies of biological condensates and phase separation in health and disease.

The Hyman lab members smile on a grassy river bank

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What are biomolecular condensates?

Biological condensates are the basis of many important cellular functions

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Our Lab at the EMBL RBP Conference in Heidelberg

our lab had the fantastic opportunity to participate in the EMBL-organized RNA-Binding Proteins (RBP) Conference in Heidelberg.

🚀 Highlights from Our Second Lab Symposium

Exciting changes at the Hyman Lab! Instead of weekly meetings, we’ve launched a full-day symposium.

How does a simple microscope work?

Long Night of Science

How does a microscope work? Many kids and adults found out at our institute pond!