Posts tagged with community

Long Night of Science
How does a microscope work? Many kids and adults found out at our institute pond!

Long Night of Science at the MPI
It's that time of year again! The MPI will open its doors to the public tomorrow from 6pm to 1am for a long night of science and fun. It's Dresden's biggest science outreach event, with 29 different participating institutions and universities.

New DRESDEN-concept cultural calendar
The MPI-CBG is proud to be part of DRESDEN-concept, a collection of cultural and research institutions in the city. DRESDEN-concept’s mission “is aimed at the development and use of synergies in research, education, infrastructure, and administration.

Check out the new Dresden Biophysics website!
Find out more about the research groups at various Dresden institutes with a focus on and expertise in biophysics, find lectures and seminars where you can learn more about biophysics, see a list of upcoming biophysics conferences, and more.

A "Long Night" of science fun
Dresdeners of all ages had the chance to: see pipetting robots in action; learn how to extract the DNA of a banana in their own kitchens; see the wide variety of organisms living in our little pond, from water scorpions to toads the size of a fingernail; watch a play in which the fruit flies become the scientists; and much more!

Come visit us for "Lange Nacht": the Long Night of Science!
The MPI-CBG will join over 40 other research institutions and universities in opening its doors to the public for a night of science fun.

All is well at the MPI-CBG!
Despite massive rains and rising waters along the Elbe River in Dresden, the MPI-CBG remains safe, especially thanks to the hard work of the many members of the institute who pitched in to fill sandbags that are now ready to protect our basement.